Monday, August 17, 2009

Salaah in the plane


(1) Can salaah be read in the plane? 

(2) Will qiyaam (standing position) be farz or can it be read whilst seated ?


If the plane is stationary then according to all the Fuqahaa (Islamic Jurists) it is permissible to read salaah in it whilst standing due to the fact that sajdah will be performed whilst the plane is touching the ground. If a person is incapacitated (ma'zoor) then he will be allowed to perform his salaah whilst seated on the plane seat. 

However if the plane is flying then due to the fact that sajdah will not take place on the ground the Fuqahaa have given permissibility if the following condition is found:-

-If by him waiting for the plane to land, the time of salaah will have elapsed, with the result that he will not have the opportunity of reading the Salaah on its fixed time. 
Hence, if he knows that he will still have time to read his salaah after the plane lands, then he should not read the salaah whilst the plane is in the air, but wait for it to land.

N.B. Salaah that is performed in the plane should be in a standing position unless someone is incapacitated (ma'zoor i.e. excuses like dizziness, no authorization from the plane officials to stand or no place etc).

Monday, August 10, 2009

To rub the body with Zamzam water


Is it permissible to rub Zamzam water on the body?


It is permissible to rub Zamzam water over the body provided that there is no impurity (najaasat) thereon. According to our Fuqahaa it is permissible to even take a normal bath (i.e. not a Waajib bath of Janaabat) with Zamzam water as long as it is not used to remove impurity from the body

ذهب الحنفية إلى أنه لا يستعمل ماء زمزم فى مواضع الإمتهان , ولا يستعمل إلا على شيئ طاهر , فلا ينبغي أن يغسل به شيئ نجس , ولا فى مكان نجس , فيصان عن صبه فى مكان نجس , حيث يكره كل ذلك تنزيها, وكره تحريما الإستنجاء به......

(153 فضل ماء زمزم ص )

قوله : يكره الإستنجاء بماء زمزم) وكذا إزالة النجاسة الحقيقية من ثوبه أو بدنه حتى ذكر بعض العلماء تحريم ذلك

(رد المحتار ص 625  ص2  )

ويكره الاستنجاء بماء زمزم لا الأغتسال

 ( طحطاوى على المراقى  484 - ج1) 

From this we deduce that to rub Zamzam water on the rear and front part of the body is permissible provided that the objective is not to remove najaasat (impurity) but rather just for treatment. 

Selling of items which is not in one's possession.


can a person sell an item which is not in his possession at the time of sale?


It is not permissible to sell goods that haven’t come into one’s physical possession. However those things which are immovable i.e. land, house, garden, farm, well etc there is no need for a physical possession to take place due to the fact that it is very rare for immovable assets to be destroyed in a short term, therefore they will enter into the constructive possession and the liability of the buyer by merely purchasing them.

As for movable items i.e. goods, cars, furniture etc they will not enter into the liability of a person by merely purchasing them, therefore it necessitates physical possession since there is a possibility of them being destroyed before delivery takes place.

Thus if anyone sells a movable item which is not in his possession as yet then this transaction is cancelled due to the fact that if that item happens to get destroyed then the first transaction is void. Once the first transaction is void (because of the destruction that occurred in the item of the first transaction) then the second transaction will automatically be cancelled since it is based on the first transaction.

ومن إشترى شيئا مما ينقل و يحول لم يجز بيعه حتى يقبضه)لأنه نهى عن بيع ما لم يقبض و لأن فيه غرر إنفساخ العقد على إعتبار الهلاك و يجوز بيع العقار قبل القبض عند أبي حنيفة و أبي يوسف وقال محمد لا يجوز……………

( الهداية ص 73 ج3)

ومنها القبض في بيع المشترى المنقول فلا يصح بيعه قبل القبض لما روى أن النبي عليه الصلاة و السلام نهى عن بيع ما لم يقبض و النهى يوجب فساد المنهى ولأنه بيع فيه غرر الإنفساخ بهلاك المعقود عليه لأنه إذا هلك المعقود عليه قبل القبض يبطل البيع الأول فينفسخ الثاني لأنه بناه على الأول ……… وأما بيع المشترى العقار قبل القبض فجائز عند أبي حنيفة و أبي يوسف إستحسانا

( بدائع الصنائع ص 180 ج 5)