Monday, August 17, 2009

Salaah in the plane


(1) Can salaah be read in the plane? 

(2) Will qiyaam (standing position) be farz or can it be read whilst seated ?


If the plane is stationary then according to all the Fuqahaa (Islamic Jurists) it is permissible to read salaah in it whilst standing due to the fact that sajdah will be performed whilst the plane is touching the ground. If a person is incapacitated (ma'zoor) then he will be allowed to perform his salaah whilst seated on the plane seat. 

However if the plane is flying then due to the fact that sajdah will not take place on the ground the Fuqahaa have given permissibility if the following condition is found:-

-If by him waiting for the plane to land, the time of salaah will have elapsed, with the result that he will not have the opportunity of reading the Salaah on its fixed time. 
Hence, if he knows that he will still have time to read his salaah after the plane lands, then he should not read the salaah whilst the plane is in the air, but wait for it to land.

N.B. Salaah that is performed in the plane should be in a standing position unless someone is incapacitated (ma'zoor i.e. excuses like dizziness, no authorization from the plane officials to stand or no place etc).

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