Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stars and the moon as an Islamic symbol


A non-muslim asked me ''why almost on every masjid there are stars and moon''?

Is it an Islamic symbol ?

He also said if a good answer is given to him he maybe embrace Islam.


Islam is a pure religion, and it is based only on those principles, which are established by Allah Ta'aala and His Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). As far as we know there is no mention in the Qur'aan and Ahadith with regards to taking the star and the moon as an Islamic symbol. So this should not be a criterion at all for a person to accept Islam, rather he should look at the beautiful principles of Islam, which are mentioned in the Qur'aan and Ahadith. However nowadays most of the Masaajid in the world have the above-mentioned symbols, but it does not mean that it is an Islamic symbol exhorted by the Qur’aan and Hadîth. 

Nevertheless even though it is not exhorted by the Qur’aan and Hadîth, there is nothing wrong in putting it on the minarets, domes of the Masaajid etc to beautify the Masaajid as Allah Ta'aala himself has used moon and stars to beautify the skies. Allah Ta'aala mentioned in the Holy Qur'aan that:

ولقد زين السمآء الدنيا بمصابيح.....(سورة الملك 67 آية 5 )

Translation: And verily we have beautified the heaven of the world with lamps  


In this verse the word lamps means stars so from this we come to know that Allah Ta'aala also has used the stars for beautification as well. Furthermore, our pious predecessors have throughout the years condoned the placing of such symbols on the domes of Masaajid, etc, without any reproach and rebuke, thus it would be acceptable and permissible based on:

 ما رآه المسلمون حسنا فهو عند الله حسن

Moreover there are some other benefits in using a symbol (stars, moon, etc) on top of the Masaajid. One of the benefits is that it will be easier for a Muslim traveler for example to know where the masjid is situated. And if we see nowadays we will see on every temple, church, etc has a specific symbol, and some of them give an indication towards their religion like a cross on a church, etc. 

One of the reasons for which crescent (hilal) may be used is due to the fact that our Islamic months start when the crescent is sited. 


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