Monday, October 19, 2009

Salaat at makrooh times


(1) Is it permissible to read Asr salaah whilst the sun is setting?

(2) What are the makrooh times in which it is not advisable to perform salaah?

Answer. 1

To start Asr salaah exactly at the time of sunset (عين الغروب) is not permissible, however if it is the Asr Salaah of that particular day and it was started before the sun had actually set, then it will be permissible, provided that it was not delayed intentionally, otherwise it will be makrooh to leave the Asr Salaah till so late. Thus, if whilst engaged in the Asr Salaah of that day, if the sun sets, then too the Salaah will be in order and it will be regarded as Adaa and not Qadhaa. If it is the Asr Salaah of any other day then it will not be permissible to read it at this time (i.e. close to sunset).


وأما الوقت المكروه لبعض الصلوات المفروضة فهو وقت تغير الشمس للمغيب لأداء   صلاة العصر  يكره أداؤها عنده للنهي عن عموم الصلوات في الأوقات الثلاثة منها إذا تضيفت الشمس للمغيب على ما يذكر وقد ورد وعيد خاص في أداء   صلاة العصر  في هذا الوقت 608;هو ما روي عن رسول الله أنه قال يجلس أحدكم حتى إذا كانت الشمس بين قرني شيطان قام فنقر أربعا لا يذكر الله فيها إلا قليلا تلك صلاة المنافقين قالها ثلاثا لكن يجوز أداؤها مع الكراهة حتى يسقط الفرض عن ذمته  ..................... انظر ( بداءع الصناءع  ج1 ص127)


ِِAnswer. 2

There are few times in which it is makrooh to perform salaah; however in some of them it is makrooh to perform all types of salaah i.e. at the time of sunrise, zawaal and sunset. In these three times it is makrooh to read fardh salaah, qadha salaah, janaazah salaah, sajdat-ut-tilaawah, tahiyyat-ul-wudhu, tahiyyat-ul-masjid, etc. However, to read the Asr Salaah of that particular day at the time just before the sun sets is permissible (as mentioned above), provided that the Salaah was started before sunset.


The following times are times wherein it is makrooh to perform Nawaafil Salaah: (1) from the time of subh saadiq (true dawn) until Fajr Salaah. The 2 sunnah of Fajr can, however be performed in this time. (2) From after Fajr Salaah until sunrise. (3) After one has performed one’s Asr Salaah and also when the sun turns pale (اصفرار) which is approximately 10 to 15 minutes before sunset. (4) After sunset before Maghrib salaah. (5) At the time of iqaamat on the day of jumu’ah. (6) At the time of khutbat-ul-jumu’ah. (7) At the time of khutbat-ul-eidain. (8) At the time of khutbah of salaat-ul-kusoof. (9) At the time of khutbah of salaat-ul-istisqaa. N.B If janaazah is present or aayat-us-sajdah is read in these makrooh times then it will be permissible to read the janaazah salaah or to make sajdah. However if the janaazah was present long before the makrooh time came in or an aayah was read before the makrooh time then it would be makrooh to delay them until these makrooh times.


ثلاث ساعات لا تجوز فيها المكتوبة ولا صلاة الجنازة ولا سجدة التلاوة اذا طلعت الشمس حتى ترتفع و عند الانتصاف الى ان تزول و عند احمرارها الى ان تغيب الا عصر يومه ذالك فانه يجوز اداءه عند الغروب هكذا فى فتاوى قاضى خان ......................................هذا اذا وجبت صلاة الجنازة و سجدة التلاوة فى وقت مباح و اخرتا الى هذا الوقت فانه لا يجوز قطعا اما لو وجبتا فى هذا الوقت واديتا فيه جازلانها اديت ناقصة كنا وجبت.......................................ولا يجوز فيها قضاءالفراءض والواجبات فاءتة عن اوقاتها كالوتر هكذا فى المستصفى و الكافى .............................................تسعة اوقات يكره فيها النوافل وما فى معناها لا الفراءض هكذا فى النهاية و النهاية ...................انظر  {الفتاوى الهندية ج1 ص52}

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