Monday, October 19, 2009

Shabeenah in Ramadwaan


Is it permissible to take part in Shabeenah ( salaah which is read in congragation in the Month of Ramadwaan specially in haramain) ?


We acknowledge receipt of your query and our response is as follows:

To recite, teach and listen to the Glorious Qur’aan is an act of very great reward and a means of blessings, there are many virtues narrated in the Ahadith in this regard.

Therefore one should make the tilaawat of the Holy Qur’aan in abundance, especially in the month of Ramadan it deserves more interest and significance. Because Ramadan is a month of earning thawaab and goodness from Almighty Allah, together with that it is a month, which has a special connection with the Qur’aan Shareef.

However according to the principles every act, has its set rules, etiquettes, and boundaries. As long as any good act is carried out within the confinements of the shar’ee conditions and principles it will be a means of rewards and blessings otherwise it will be a means of sins. Hence if the reading and listening to the Qur’aan Shareef is done by considering its prescribed etiquettes and conditions is a great virtue and a means of reward otherwise it will be a means of sin. Therefore to perform additional nafl salaah after the Taraaweeh Salaah in which the whole Qur’aan is being read in the last ten days of Ramadan with jama’at by announcing it is not permissible regardless of it being in haramain or anywhere else.

 The reason is because this act is a mere innovation of this era and it is not proven from our pious predecessors, the TABI’EEN (رحمة الله عليهم) and the SAHAABAH (رضي الله عنهم).

والنفل بالجماعة غير مستحب لأنه لم تفعله الصحابة فى غير رمضان ( رد المحتار ص 49 ج 2 )

This is aggravated even more by the fact that now a day SHABEENAH comprises of certain aspects which is totally against the grain of SHARI’AH.

فأجبت بأن نفس ختم القرآن في ليلة أمر مرغوب إليه, لكن ضم أمور قبيحة معه قبيح, وتفصيله : أن فيما تداولوه و حسبوه أمرًا حسنًا أمورًا بعضها حسنة وبعضها مستقبحة ........فهذا وأمثالها مفاسد قد أخرجت الأمر الحسن إلى درجة القبح, وكم من شيئ حسن يصير مع ضم ضميمة قبيحًا.   ( إقامة الحجة ص 154 )

One of the basic reason for it not to be tolerated in Shari’ah is that nafl salaah is read with jama’ah by making announcements.

و الجماعة فى النفل فى غير التراويح مكروهة فالإحتياط تركها فى الوتر خارج رمضان, و عن شمس الأئمة أن هذا فيما كان على سبيل التداعى أما لو إقتدى واحد بواحد أو إثنان بواحد لا يكره وإذا اقتدى ثلاثة بواحد أختلف فيه وإن اقتدى أربعة بواحد كره إتفاقًا.(حاشية الطحطاوى ص 211 )

(ولا يصلى الوتر و)لا( التطوع بجماعة خارج رمضان)أى يكره ذالك على سبيل التداعى(در المختارص48 ج2)

(قوله على سبيل التداعى) هو أن يدعو بعضهم بعضًا كما فى المغرب, وفسره الوانى بالكثرة وهو لازم معناه.

(رد المحتار ص49 ج 2 )

According to our FUQAHAA ‘to read nafl salaah with jama’ah is MAKROOH, and to make it a perpetual habit is a BID’AH since it is contrary to the practice of our ASLAAF (The Sahaabah and Tabi’een).

والجماعة فى النفل غير التراويح مكروهة فالإحتياط بتركها فى الوتر خارج رمضان(حاشية الطحطاوى ص232)

وإن كان على سبيل المواظبة كان بدعة مكروهة لأنه خلاف المتوارث(رد المحتار ص 48 ج 2)


From the afore mentioned we deduce the following:

 -If one intends to perform such a salaah congregationally (with jama’ah) it will be permissible only with this proviso that there should not be more than three Muqtadi behind the Imaam.

-It is not permissible to join the shabeenah, which takes place in haramain.   


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